Silent installation of the Publisher for Enterprise Architect

The following provides the method to install and configure the application assuming the prerequisites of the system are met.

  1. Download the .exe installation file.
  2. Open a command prompt.
  3. Write the following command line: Publisher4EnterpriseArchitect_1.0.2.exe /SILENT /DIR="<publisher_install_dir_path>" /JAVAPATH="<path_to_java_install_directory>" /RAMSIZE=XX /LOG="<path_to_log_file>"

For example, for a device with Java 11 already installed, the command line would look like:
Publisher4EnterpriseArchitect_1.0.2.exe /SILENT /DIR="C:\Program Files\Publisher4EnterpriseArchitect\1.0.2" /JAVAPATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11" /RAMSIZE=8 /LOG="out.log"

For silent mode/scripted execution, please refer to the Silent Mode section of the Administration Guide.