Updating using Apache Tomcat

This section describes the procedure applicable when SECollab was deployed on an Apache Tomcat Application Server.

Here are the steps to update the SECollab application:

  1. Go to https://tomcat.acme.com:8443/manager/undeploy?path=/secollab
  2. Go to https://tomcat.acme.com:8443/manager/html
  3. Click on the web archive deployment administration page to install an archive from a file.
  4. Click on the "Choose file" button and select the file secollab.war on the local machine
  5. Click on the "Deploy" button.
  6. Update the Tomcat manager in your browser until you see the WAR file secollab.war among available services [*]. You can also confirm the correct deployment of the WAR file by checking the file catalina.log for the presence of a message of the type: Apr 18, 2015 7:41:03 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR INFO: Deploying web application archive /.../apache-tomcat/webapps/secollab.war
  7. Depending on the configuration of Tomcat, it may be necessary to restart the Tomcat server.

Please refer to the Apache Tomcat documentation for further details:

Depending on the release notes, it may be necessary to start Checking required migrations