Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

SECollab Publisher

If you encounter errors or exceptions while using the SECollab Publisher application. You can refer to this page to investigate those errors and find resolutions for them.

OutOfMemoryError Exception

This problem occurs when there is not enough memory allocated to the publisher for the model to publish.
To solve this problem you need to raise the memory of the publisher in the file SECollab.ini (See Installing SECollab Publisher). Update the -Xmx1024m value.
Important: For the 32 bits Publisher you can hardly put this value over -Xmx1300m due to 32 bits limitation (there is no limitation for 64 bits).
This value depends upon your system, so you may have to decrease it to -Xmx1250 or even lower. If the application starts, this means the tested value is working on your system.

SECollab Server

If you encounter errors or exceptions while using the SECollab Server. You can refer to this page to investigate those errors and find resolutions for them.

Authentication is pending in another window

At some point, you may be logged out, especially when using the Jazz version of SECollab.
Then SECollab will try to reconnect and a popup window will be triggered to get you to reconnect to Jazz. This popup window can be refused by your browser. To avoid further problems, you should set up your browser to allow popup window from your Jazz friend server.

OutOfMemoryError Exception

This problem occurs when there is not enough memory allocated to the server.
To solve the problem on a dedicated server, you need to raise the memory of the Server by updating the -Xmx parameter. (See Deploying with Apache Tomcat)

My DOORS DXL Layout column does not appear in SECollab

This problem occurs when the DXL Layout column you are trying to publish does not offer a string representation of its value.
DXL Layouts columns are supported only if they provide a string representation of their value. DOORS does not currently allow us to export canvas representations of the DXL Layouts.

I can't connect to MEGA using the client publisher when the same login works with the MEGA application

When MEGA is set up to use Windows Authentication, the login used to connect to the MEGA application can be different from the one used to connect to the MEGA API.
When using the SECollab's client publisher to publish MEGA data, one needs to use the MEGA API user name, and not the login as requested by the MEGA application itself.